Our Team
We have an incredible team of staff and board members who are passionate about setting up tomorrow's leaders for success. To learn more about how you could get involved, contact us today!
Executive Board of Directors
Emily James - Secretary
Development Manager
Christine Ann Domestic Abuse Services, Inc
Oshkosh, WI
Arvada, CO
Board of Directors
President, Michigan Council on Economic Education
Curriculum Development Director, Foundation for Economic Education
Sterling Heights, MI
Colleen Schon
Senior Vice President, Investments
Anthem Advisors of Raymond James
Clarkston, MI
Patrice L.J. Sinclair, CEP®, CFP®
Senior Vice President, Wealth Management
North Star Wealth Management of Raymond James
Auburn Hills, MI
Mimie Yoon-Lee
Executive Director
Hightower Advisors
Chicago, IL
Advisory Board
Beth Beebe, AAMS
Craig Capital Wealth Management
Mason, OH
President, Nebraska Council on Economic Education, Associate Professor of Practice in Economics, College of Business Administration, University of Nebraska
Lincoln, NE
Kingston Springs, TN
Ilona Box
Senior Vice President, Investments
Concierge Wealth Management of Raymond James
Naples, FL
Brandy Marrou
CPA, Managing Partner
Cheyenne, WY